Tout l'art de la chaussure Italienne à vos pieds

All the art of Italian footwear at your feet

Tutta l'arte della calzatura italiana per i vostri piedi

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Groziano&Gabricci chaussure en cuir luxe maroc italie
About Groziano & Gabricci
Our company
Charisma, innovation, progress: Groziano & Gabricci offers a radically modern approach to men's footwear. Under the leadership of Mariano Alliana, Artistic Director, Groziano & Gabricci redefined the luxury shoe of the 21st century while strengthening its position among the most coveted shoe houses in the world. Eclectic, contemporary and romantic, the Groziano & Gabricci creations embody the quintessence of Italian craftsmanship and remain unsurpassed both in quality and attention to detail.